
Puppy Socialization – Getting Started

Puppy Socialization – Getting Started

Socialization is the process of preparing a puppy to be comfortable with interactions with people, other dogs, other species and the outside world. Ideally this should take place during the sensitive period between 3 and 14 weeks of age. This is the period when puppies benefit most from exposure to new or strange stimuli and they show a willingness to explore and play with little fear when encountering new people, animals, objects and experiences. Puppies deprived of these experiences will have a significantly increased risk of developing into adults with fear, aggression and arousal issues. The idea being to stop...

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With warmer weather offering the promise of suntanned skin and more time spent with family, there is also the promise of mosquitos. Living in the south guarantees these pests to find a place in your summer schedule, but there are numerous ways to spend time outdoors without the irritation of these bugs. Depending on where and when you are using certain products will make all the difference. THE COMFORTS OF HOME                                   When staying in your own backyard there are many different ways to treat...

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Using Nutrition to Manage Horses with Gastric Ulcers

Using Nutrition to Manage Horses with Gastric Ulcers

A horse owner recently contacted us about changing her horse’s diet. She stated that they are ¾ of the way through show season and he is just “off his game”. It seems that the horse was showing a lack of appetite and not finishing his grain. In addition, his disposition became rather grumpy and his performance level was suffering. In addition, a few times he had shown signs of mild colic over the past two months. We suggested the owner contact her veterinarian, as it sounded like the horse may have an ulcer. The percentage of horses with ulcers continues...

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Spring Garden Hazards

Spring Garden Hazards

As spring arrives and the first buds appear, gardening can be a relaxing and healthy way to pass the time. But it can also pose some potential risks to our cat and dog friends. With care and some knowledge, these risks can be avoided. Here is a list of potential concerns. Fertilizers and Pesticides: Fertilizers containing blood meal, bone meal, feather meal or iron can be tasty for dogs and particularly dangerous. Ingestion of large amounts of meal containing products can form concretions in the stomach resulting in obstruction and severe pancreatitis. Those containing iron can lead to iron poisoning...

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Choosing the Right Chick Feed

Choosing the Right Chick Feed

Did you know that choosing the right chick feed can help your chicks develop healthy digestive systems? A healthy digestive system is key to a healthy chicken. It aids in the development of the immune system and promotes absorption of nutrients. Professionally formulated feeds provide your birds with proper nutrition at all stages of life. The Importance of Chick Feed Chicks need a feed that is different from adult layer feed. Chick starter-grower feed is 18% protein, compared to 16% to 18% in a layer ration. Chicks grow very quickly, and they need more protein to support their bodies in...

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